Thursday, December 30, 2010

Abnormalities in a Child's physical development

Most of the disorders a Child experiences after birth are congenital, that means they were acquired at the time of birth or maybe due to some metabolic malfunctions or nutrient deficiencies during pregnancy. Expectant mothers have to know these deficiencies and take adequate precaution by seeking for advice from their doctors to know the exact kind of lifestyle to live in order to welcome their babies in good health.

The main disorders of children's physical development are;• Hypotrophy• Paratrophy• Obesity• Nanism (dwarfism)• Small stature• Gigantism• Hydrocephalus• Microcephalus
HypotrophyIt is delayed physical development of a child of first 2 years of Life mainly due to deficiency of real weight in comparison to ideal weight. Hypotrophy can be congenital, acquired or mixed.

Congenital Hypotrophy must be diagnosed immediately after child's birth. Informative index for this is weight-length coefficient (WLC).WLC= weight of newborn (g)/Length of newborn (cm)Normal WLC is 60-64With the WLC index, stages of hypotrophy can be established.1st stage, WLC=59-562nd stage, WLC=55-503rd stage, WLC=49 and less.
If the deficiency of body weight is observed on the 2nd month of child's life and later, the hypotrophy is acquired. There are 3 stages of acquired hypotrophy depending on the stage of weight deficiency;1st stage; 11-20 (%)2nd stage, 21-30 (%)3rd stage, 31 and more
The clinical signs of hypotrophy are the decrease of subcutaneous fat on abdomen (at the 1st stage), on extremities (at the 2nd stage), on the face (at the 3rd stage). At the 3rd stage of hypotrophy, the child's face looks like the face of Old man ("Volter's face"). Besides this, the decrease of skin elasticity, turgur and body length, delay of neuropsychological development and weakness of immune system take place.

In case, when the child was born with hypotrophy and the body weight does not normalize during some first months of his (her) life, the hypotrophy is of mixed genesis.
ParatrophyIt is enlargement of body weight more than for 10% of ideal weight. The main course of it is overfeeding of a baby.1st stage, 11-20 (%)2nd stage, 21-30 (%)3rd stage, 31 and more.
ObesityThe presence of excessive weight in child older than 1 year is called obesity.1st stage, 10-29 (%)2nd stage, 30-49 (%)3rd stage, 50-99 (%)4th stage, 100 and more
Nanism (dwarfism)It is a disorder of physical development, which deals with the delay of height. The dwarf Nanism is congenital disorders of endocrine system hypofunctions of hypophysis or thyroid) or metabolism. The main symptom of dwarfism is delay of growth in height. Late symptoms of dwarfism are dry, wrinkled and pale skin, childish face, poorly developed muscles, excessive development of subcutaneous fat on the chest (pseudo mammas), low blood pressure.
Small statureIt is the equal delay of height and weight gain in children in comparison to the average data. Etiology of small stature is heredity, lack of protein and vitamins intake during prenatal period and the 1st year of Life.

GigantismIt's a clinical syndrome, which develops as a result of hyper-production of somato-tropine hormone of hypophysis that leads to remarkable growth in height.
The first manifestation of gigantism takes place during pre-pubertal or pubertal periods. Other complaints are weakness, often headaches, extremity or cardiac pains. Physical development of such children is disproportional.

Do not worry if you encounter any of these ailments. They could easily be treated.

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